This is my review of the Fieldline Pro Series Black Canyon daypack from Walmart. We picked this up for our son based on price and were very pleasantly surprised. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.$10 Bug Out Bag From Walmart- Fieldline Pro Series Black Canyon Daypack Review - YouTube67 Likes67 Dislikes4,224 views views18,327 followersPeople &...
Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 9, 2019
Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 9, 2019
SHTF Prepping - updated ammo stockpile - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a look at my updated ammo stash for shtf, wrol, erol, teotwawki, zombie apocalypse, or whatever else might come. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeSHTF Prepping - updated ammo stockpile - YouTube345 Likes345 Dislikes26,322 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished on 23 Jul...
SHTF Gear: Fiskars 18" machete saw review - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a look at the Fiskars machete saw. Fiskars makes very good products and I recently picked up several of their items on clearance to review. This is a machete that is worth easily twice what I paid for it, and it's much better than the Ozark Trail or Coleman's junk that is sold at about the same price point. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.SHTF...
SAFE Act and Gun News Update 2/27/14 - Cuomo meets critic / Raymond Felton / NJ Drake case - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
I do not own the rights to the thumbnail image. No copyright infringement is intended.Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.SAFE Act and Gun News Update 2/27/14 - Cuomo meets critic / Raymond Felton / NJ Drake case - YouTube45 Likes45 Dislikes295 views views18,327 followersFilm & Animation YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished...
Beginning Prepping Supplies / Beginning Bug Out Supplies Giveaway Drawing - The Winner Is... - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is the drawing video for my beginning bug out/beginning prepping supplies giveaway. Thanks for watching. Like Share Subscribe.Beginning Prepping Supplies / Beginning Bug Out Supplies Giveaway Drawing - The Winner Is... - YouTube11 Likes11 Dislikes166 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 12 Jan 2014 var wid = '510104';...
Reboot - Hollywood myth busted - Will hiding behind a wall protect you from gunfire? - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
I left a part of the video out of the original version of this video. Here is the complete version. I was watching a movie the other night and the two main characters were hiding behind a normal wall and were protected from gunfire. I'm calling BS on this one, so I made a section of a normal modern construction wall inside a home and took it to the range. Thanks...
Remington 700 - An A+ Rifle - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a video review of my Remington 700 rifle. It's chambered in 223. I picked it up at Walmart for just over $400 with the scope included.Remington 700 - An A+ Rifle - YouTube19 Likes19 Dislikes1,358 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 12 Nov 2013 var wid = '510104'; var uid = '22335';bug out bag items>bug out bag...
VR to Christopher Sumpter's Mosin Nagant Muzzle Break Giveaway - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Check Out Christopher Sumpterand sub him - My Shooting video of this rifle - Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeVR to Christopher Sumpter's Mosin Nagant Muzzle Break Giveaway - YouTube14 Likes14 Dislikes100 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs YouTube Video...
Urgent!! NY Senate and House to vote on full repeal of NY SAFE Act! Please share! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Now is the time for NY gun owners. This is footage of Paloma Capanna the SCOPE attorney speaking about the chance for full repeal of the SAFE Act that exists right now. Please share this video and tell your pro gun friends. The NY senate and house are taking up bills for full repeal of the safe act, and we must call our elected officials and urge them to support...
The Prepper Minute - Bug Out Ammo Bag - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is the first installment in a series of short videos on prepping. This video is about putting together a bug out ammo bag.The Prepper Minute - Bug Out Ammo Bag - YouTube15 Likes15 Dislikes1,656 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 26 Nov 2013 var wid = '510104'; var uid = '22335';guns n roses tour>guns n roses>gunsmith...
SAFE Act / Gun News 1/14/14 - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a quick update on a few news items related to the SAFE Act and general gun news. Thanks for watching. Like Share SubscribeSAFE Act / Gun News 1/14/14 - YouTube12 Likes12 Dislikes100 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 14 Jan 2014 var wid = '510104'; var uid = '22335';prepping definition>prepping 2.0>prepping...
Chinese SKS from Southern Ohio Gun - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
I ordered another type 56 SKS from SOG last week and received it this week. I love military surplus rifles and the SKS platform in particular. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeChinese SKS from Southern Ohio Gun - YouTube146 Likes146 Dislikes7,333 views views18,327 followersEntertainment YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished...
Complete NY Second Amendment Update - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is the complete update from attorney Paloma Capanna for those interested in hearing the entire presentation. It is very long, but worth watching to be fully informed about the current legal battle in NY state over the our gun rights. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.Complete NY Second Amendment Update - YouTube68 Likes68 Dislikes993 views...
NY SAFE Act and Gun News Update 4/15/14-Registration Deadline/Pizza Man Thwarts Robbery Attempt - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Here are the links to these stories Pizza Man- Registration Deadline- Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeNY SAFE Act and Gun News Update 4/15/14-Registration Deadline/Pizza Man Thwarts Robbery Attempt - YouTube40 Likes40 Dislikes694 views views18,327 followersFilm...
Sunday Morning Thank You - Shout Outs- and I Chatted With YouTube Legends - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Hi folks this is a quick Sunday morning video update of the last 24 hours.Thank you Jarhead6 for sending all those subscribers my way. Check out these great channels and like Valhalla knives gear and paracord on Facebook. guncrazy81 - Jennifer Young - kabaruser -
400 subs,
400 subscribers,
Gun Control,
Gun News,
Shout Out,
Thank You,
Zombie Apocalypse
Sawyer Mini Water Filter Review- Better than the Lifestraw for SHTF / Zombie Apocalypse? - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Check out the other videos in this series survival tin- survival EDC- survival medical pack- Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeSawyer Mini Water Filter Review- Better than the Lifestraw for SHTF / Zombie Apocalypse? - YouTube34...
1000 subscriber contest update - The first contributions to the community bag have arrived! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
There is a bunch more stuff on in the mail. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. Check out these great channels and tell them Van Prepper sent you Kabaruser- J7T777 - Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe1000 subscriber contest update - The first contributions to the...
My Mosin Nagant Collection - Great for SHTF or Zombie Apocalypse - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This video shows some of my Mosin Nagant Collection. These are great rifles and a low cost option for preppers. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeMy Mosin Nagant Collection - Great for SHTF or Zombie Apocalypse - YouTube12 Likes12 Dislikes766 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 3 Nov 2013 var wid = '510104';...
Range Trip 11/5/13 - Chinese SKS - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a video of me shooting my Chinese SKS at the local range. I was shooting Tula Ammo 7.62x39 steel cased ammo from Walmart. It's a very good shooter and a lot of fun. It was very windy today so sorry for the sound quality.Range Trip 11/5/13 - Chinese SKS - YouTube3 Likes3 Dislikes113 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs View attributions Upload...
Must Watch- NY Man Owns Government After They Try To Deny Him Due Process!! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Listen closely to this man's account of how his local government tried to repeatedly infringe on his first amendment rights, and then tried to deny him due process. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.Must Watch- NY Man Owns Government After They Try To Deny Him Due Process!! - YouTube232 Likes232 Dislikes25,080 views views18,327 followersPeople...
Huge List of Congratulations/Shout Outs - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Congratulations to all the channels mentioned. Check them out and subscribe and tell them Van Prepper sent you. Jennifer Young - Youth2Wild- Tactigirl Lola - guncrazy81 - PBT Channel -
NYC Trip + Congratulations-Shout Outs-and Thank You(s) - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a long overdue video filled with a variety of stuff. Check out all these great channels and tell them Van Prepper sent you tactigirl lola- Zombies-R-us - Shmicknoogan - MrBrandonannette - KustomBlack...
the Freedom Report - The Government Is Attacking Our Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a rant about the use of FBI, IRS, and NSA to intimidate us from exercising our Constitutional rights. We need to scream this from the rooftops. Thanks for watching. Like Share Subscribe.the Freedom Report - The Government Is Attacking Our Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights - YouTube13 Likes13 Dislikes90 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs Upload...
Congratulation to a Great Group of Channels - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Check out all these great channels and congratulate them The Texian Libertarian - Michhelle-Just Playin - The AMFAW Channel - Youth2Wild - Thanksman - JmanPrepper...
Bug Out Bag Hiking Week 1- The Van Prepper 30 day weight loss challenge is under way! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeBug Out Bag Hiking Week 1- The Van Prepper 30 day weight loss challenge is under way! - YouTube33 Likes33 Dislikes489 views views18,327 followersFilm & Animation YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished on 5 Jun 2014 var wid = '510104'; var uid = '22335';teotwawki gear>teotwawki...
1000 Subscriber Giveaway Update 3/24/14 - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Here is a link to my original 1000 sub video- Check out Volley Bagwell - smilemoney- Prepper BugOutBags- Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe1000 Subscriber Giveaway Update 3/24/14 -...
Marlin 45-70 Guide Gun vs Mosin Nagant!!! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.Marlin 45-70 Guide Gun vs Mosin Nagant!!! - YouTube204 Likes204 Dislikes81,480 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished on 5 Jul 2014 var wid = '510104'; var uid = '22335';world of warships>world war z ps4>world snooker>world war...
My Simple Prepper EDC (Every Day Carry)! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Bristol Prepper asked me to do a video showing my EDC so here it is, Let me know what you think. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.My Simple Prepper EDC (Every Day Carry)! - YouTube160 Likes160 Dislikes4,078 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished on 27 Feb 2015 var wid = '510104';...
Veterans Are Being Stripped Of Their Gun Rights Under The NY SAFE Act! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
According to the NY Times 34,500 people have lost their gun rights under the NY SAFE Act. The provision that pertains to mental illness is a violation of federal HIPAA laws and is being used to target returning veterans. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.Veterans Are Being Stripped Of Their Gun Rights Under The NY SAFE Act! - YouTube35 Likes35...
Illegal immigration protest in Syracuse, NY - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is some of the footage from the protest against illegal immigration in Syracuse, NY after Mayor Stephanie Minor invited the President to send some of the "refugee children" to Syracuse. More videos to come. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.Illegal immigration protest in Syracuse, NY - YouTube91 Likes91 Dislikes3,522 views views18,327 followersPeople...
*One in the Chamber* (LOUD) - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This video is to promote my appearance on the "One in the Chamber" chat this Sunday night at 7pm. Submit questions to Michelle-Just Playin - Check out Michelle and Tactigirl Lola - Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe*One in the Chamber* (LOUD) - YouTube23 Likes23...
SHTF Prepping: Is diabetes or other long term illness or infirmity a death sentence? - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Is a long term illness or injury a death sentence in SHTF? Let's talk about that. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeSHTF Prepping: Is diabetes or other long term illness or infirmity a death sentence? - YouTube103 Likes103 Dislikes2,111 views views18,327 followersEntertainment YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished on 4 Mar...
SAFE Act Protest This Saturday!!! Please Share & Spread The Word! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Here is a link tot the Western, NY NYR facebook page - I hope to see you all there. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.SAFE Act Protest This Saturday!!! Please Share & Spread The Word! - YouTube38 Likes38 Dislikes335 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload...
SAFE Act / Gun News 1/13/14 - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a quick News video regarding the SAFE Act and national gun news. Please check out these channels. PBT channel - stevenk1965 - willie o - Dearborn Prepper - live4wild -
SAFE Act and Gun News Update 2/6/14 - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is another installment of SAFE Act and gun news. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeSAFE Act and Gun News Update 2/6/14 - YouTube28 Likes28 Dislikes891 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished on 6 Feb 2014 var wid = '510104'; var uid = '22335';prepping for sod>preparing...
There is a lot of confusion as to whether the federal judges ruling that struck down the 7 round magazine limit in NY state applies to the entire state or just the district where the court ruling was handed down. Here is the definitive answer according to SCOPE president Stephen Aldstadt and NY State. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeTHERE IS...
Van Prepper's 1000 Subscriber Giveaway - Lots more items for the community bags - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Please check out these channels that are supporting out small channel community and this giveaway. treesablowin- Rik Thomas- Chris Simmons - TRprepper - GeneralBanter-
The 2nd Amendment - My Rights Are Not Subject To Your Irrational Fears - My Rant - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
I saw a video today that really bothered me. I am tired of people who think that the fact that I own a gun is cause for concern. Other people's irrational fear doesn't trump my God given rights.The 2nd Amendment - My Rights Are Not Subject To Your Irrational Fears - My Rant - YouTube11 Likes11 Dislikes117 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs View attributions...
SHTF Prepping Tips - How to start a fire with a battery and a gum wrapper - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
I saw this in an article about survival and had to try it out. It works great. Let me know if you find it useful in your prepping. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.SHTF Prepping Tips - How to start a fire with a battery and a gum wrapper - YouTube88 Likes88 Dislikes2,092 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs YouTube Video Editor View...
Van Prepper 1000 subscriber final update (4/6/14)- total donations/a list of entries - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Please listen closely to make sure I have given you the proper amount of entries if you donated, did a VR, or both. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeVan Prepper 1000 subscriber final update (4/6/14)- total donations/a list of entries - YouTube34 Likes34 Dislikes220 views views18,327 followersFilm & Animation YouTube Video Editor View attributions...
Disassembling and Reassmbling Smith & Wesson22A - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a quick how to video for disassembly and reassembly of the Smith & Wesson 22A. Thanks for watching. Like Share Subscribe.Disassembling and Reassmbling Smith & Wesson22A - YouTube6 Likes6 Dislikes43 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 24 Jan 2014 var wid = '510104'; var uid = '22335';world war z>world...
Rossi Model 92 in 357 Magnum - Lever action awesom - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is a look at the Rossi Model 92 in 357 Magnum. It's an awesome little lever action rifle that is a copy of the Winchester 92. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeRossi Model 92 in 357 Magnum - Lever action awesom - YouTube76 Likes76 Dislikes8,584 views views18,327 followersEntertainment YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished...
VR To tommyb211222's 100 Subscriber Giveaway - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is my video response to tommyb211222's 100 subscriber contest. He is giving away a 550 round box of 22lr, 2 packs of shoot n see targets, and shooting glasses. Tommy is a great guy and has a very good channel. Check him out if you haven't already.VR To tommyb211222's 100 Subscriber Giveaway - YouTube5 Likes5 Dislikes47 views views18,327 followersPeople...
Shout Outs! Welcome these channels to our small channel community - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Check out these great channels NC Prepper- 39 Camper- Indoor Survivalist- Beginner Prepper- Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeShout Outs! Welcome these channels to our small channel...
Hilarious Scare! I get the crap scared out of me at the Fright Night Mansion! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This is footage from my trip through the Fright Night Mansion in Auburn, NY. I am terrified of haunted houses and the reactions are 100% real and unscripted. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe. I do not own the rights to any of the characters portrayed or the background music used by the Fright Night Mansion. No copyright infringement is intended.Hilarious...
Must Watch! Common Core is Agenda 21!! - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
This video provides a great explanation of the what is wrong with Common Core and why it must be stopped! The UN developed Agenda 21 as an action plan in 1992 and under section 3 children are key. Section 4 is their plan for implementing Agenda 21, and education plays a key role.Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.Must Watch! Common Core is Agenda...
JW Stevens Springfield 86C Rifle - A Very Cool Old Tube Loader 22LR From The Gun Show - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
I picked up the Springfield 86C from the local gun show in April. It's an old tube loader 22lr. It is a lot of fun like all 22lr calibered firearms seem to be.JW Stevens Springfield 86C Rifle - A Very Cool Old Tube Loader 22LR From The Gun Show - YouTube27 Likes27 Dislikes8,011 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 12 Nov 2013...
Gun Control,
Gun News,
gun show,
JW Stevens rifle,
old 22 rifles,
Springfield 86C,
tube fed 22,
tube loader,
Zombie Apocalypse
My Kershaw Knife From Thanksman and some Shout Outs - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Check out Thanksman - GeneralBanter- Bush Hunt - The Daily Shooter- Jarhead6 - Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment SubscribeMy Kershaw Knife From Thanksman...
Cheap $5 emergency stove review- perfect for your bug out bag - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Check out my channel for more ultra cheap gear reviews. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.Cheap $5 emergency stove review- perfect for your bug out bag - YouTube45 Likes45 Dislikes1,319 views views18,327 followersPeople & Blogs YouTube Video Editor View attributions Upload TimePublished on 13 Jun 2014 var wid = '510104'; var uid = '22335';preppers...
Van Prepper 1000 Subscriber Giveaway Update 3/21/14- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - YouTube VP Prepping & Survival
Here is a link to the original giveaway announcement video- Thank you all for making this giveaway so awesome and helping to grow my channel. Thanks for watching. Like Share Comment Subscribe.Van Prepper 1000 Subscriber Giveaway Update 3/21/14- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - YouTube38 Likes38 Dislikes176 views views18,327 followersFilm...